"It's time for YOU to believe in yourself again."
Reading the title may mislead into thinking that this is about Hi5-ing people around you. Spoiler alert! It is not. It is about Hi5-ing the most important person in your life. The one that sticks with you through thick and thin, from your first day on, no matter whether it's going up or down, the one staring back at you from the mirror...Yes, YOU!
But when was the last time you looked into a mirror and saw yourself? Not the wrinkly shirt, the hair that needed brushing, skin imperfections, dark eye circles,... When was the last time that you looked into your eyes and saw yourself?
This book along with her challenge changed my answer for sure. I now see myself before I start looking for things that I need to take care of and accept (a little more at least) the things that I can't change right now.
In this book Mel Robbins doesn't only explain how her High5 Habit works but she also explains the process of how she got there in her life, how she developed this habit and what it did for her. But not only for her. This High5 Habit already went viral and therefore she included feedback from others, the impact on their lives and also the science behind it. Mel always explains the science behind her tips.
"Everything I'm about to teach you is already in you."
With simple steps does Mel teach you to shift your mindset. She does it lovingly but also totally honest. The doesn't hide that and warns your of it too. If you ever listened to one of her podcasts you will know.
"You are the one judging you. Here's the crazy thing about your insecurities and your negative self talk: It's in YOUR head, not theirs. Whatever negative crap you think about yourself, you also think other people think that same thing about you. My biggest fear is that someone is not going to like me or approve of what I'm doing. But here's the most important thing: at this moment, this dude isn't judging me. He is thinking. I'm the one who is judging me."
My favorite part was page 53 to 56. There she explains where the self-doubt comes from. Because if you think of any small child, they don't do negative self-talk, do they? (Chapter: "You weren't always like this")
So where did the shift happen? Well, you will have to get the book to find out. 😁
Who is Mel Robbins?
She is a woman with many titles. American lawyer, author, television host, and motivational speaker. She is a world-known entrepreneur and most booked female speaker.
"My mission is simple: to share proven tools that empower you to create a better life. And, it’s to make you feel a little less alone, to encourage you every step of the way, and laugh a lot as we learn and grow together. I figure if I can save you some of the headaches and heartaches I’ve given myself, well, that’s a life well lived."
source: melrobbins.com/about-mel
What makes her so sympathetic to me? She didn't just read these tools somewhere and now teaches them. No, she herself hit rock bottom and had to build herself up again. She openly shares her experiences when she was in her beginning 40s and was unemployed, broke due to a failed business venture, being a mother and wife.
Everything she teaches are practices she learned herself before she told anyone else - backed up by science and self-proven.
Would I recommend this book?
Oh, absolutely. Read the book AND sign up for the challenge at High5Challenge.com . For 5 days you will get an email with tips and background stories by Mel Robbins. But that's not all. You get access to an entire community that do the same challenge. Each day you can post about your High5 experience. You surely don't have to. But the community gives you the opportunity to communicate or read about others in this challenge and their experiences.
They will cheer you on or maybe their advise can help you improve the experience further.
Mel Robbins made it possible not to feel alone in this. Yes, this is from you for you. But there are so many others going through this process and it's powerful to be reminded of that.
Where to find her? Almost anywhere, here a few options:
Her website: https://www.melrobbins.com/
Her podcast (anywhere where you can listen to podcasts): https://the-mel-robbins-podcast.simplecast.com/
Instagram: @melrobbins
High5 Habit Community: High5Challenge.com
Books: The 5 Second Rule, The High 5 Habit
